
Ranges and cook tops are available in a VERY wide range of styles, sizes, colors and functions. However, they all have similar input energy requirements. In most homes, they do not represent a substantial source of energy use.
The microwave oven was the single largest invention that impacted the energy used by cooking systems. Nothing compares to its ability to heat something that contains water. However, for the serious cook, nothing compares to the gas burner stove top and the convection oven for quality and performance.
Convection Ovens
Convection ovens were developed for the restaurant and institutional high production food kitchen. They produce quality equal to or better than a conventional oven, but in a fraction of the time. They have been down-sized and now many brands are available for home use.
The convection oven uses higher capacity elements or burners with a fan and special designed interior and controls to speed the cooking process. Commercial units also use steam injection; steam injection may soon be available in home-sized units. (Steam is used for moisture control and adds additional cooking speed.)
Convection ovens are available in both natural gas and electric.
Because serious cooks prefer gas burner cook tops, but like the advantages of the convection oven, some manufacturers now offer a combination fuel range – gas burner cook top, with electric convection oven. There are also combination microwave-convection ovens available.
The down-side to convection ovens is that they cost more than twice that of conventional ovens. They are not likely to pay for themselves in energy savings, so it mainly becomes a preference and function issue rather than energy management issue.
Multiple listing of multiple brands with specs and prices at
For residential size appliances that are built like commercial equipment see:
Wolf Appliance Company, LLC
- Classic Stainless exterior.
- Porcelain oven interior.
- Natural or LP gas units.
- This roomy convection oven features our infrared broiler.
- Four dual burners handle cooktop duties with the precision you expect of Wolf.
- Our dual brass burners have automatic re-ignition at all settings. The burners can produce 16,000 BTUs for professional cooking heat and turn down to 500 BTUs for those delicate jobs like melting chocolate.
- Cast iron porcelain top grates.
- The stainless steel drip tray pulls out on ball bearing slides, providing a smooth glide to and from the locked position and making it easy to remove and clean.
- The large red control knobs have four position settings. Chrome bezels surround all knobs.
- Door windows and interior lights in ovens.
- Three-inch stainless steel legs in front and adjustable rear casters.
- Full side panels and skirt.
Wolf Appliance Company, LLC
P.O. Box 44848
Madison, WI 53744
Telephone: 800-332-9513
Go to the Wolf Appliance web site at