For Industrial Facilities |

Energy efficiency and conservation measures continue to provide the largest benefit in sectors where most of the energy is used.  For natural gas that is clearly the industrial sector.  This website seeks to provide current and emerging technology solutions for manufacturing and industrial process plants. Equipment, processes, and energy management tools provide cost-effective solutions for increased energy efficiency that often also reduce emissions, and improve the productivity of plant and process operations.  Member utilities of the Energy Solutions Center representing both the US and Canada have joined hands in forming an Industrial Energy

Efficiency consortium dedicated to improving the competitive position of its industrial customers by promoting and supporting the deployment of energy efficient technologies and practices.



Firebridge Inc. ( is an engineering company with a leading focus on Industrial Energy Savings. Through extensive experience and the systematic analysis of each unique process, Firebridge engineers are capable of providing practical and innovative solutions for industrial combustion processes; minimizing operational energy costs, optimizing efficiency and reducing facility and process carbon footprints. 


Reductions in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are important to the balance sheet and the sustainability of all companies and in turn, are essential to the long term health of the environment. The Firebridge team has the knowledge and the commitment, to provide an integrated approach to reducing energy and emissions while improving productivity.  more 



Focus on CanadaUtilities in Canada including, Enbridge Gas Distribution, Gaz Metro, Manitoba Hydro and Union Gas are actively promoting energy efficiency programs for their industrial customers.  Utilities are prepared to work with customers to develop comprehensive energy management plans, provide financial grants to help defray the cost of implementing energy efficiency measures, assist with energy audits, and provide technical assistance for energy related problems.

The Canadian government through Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) assists industrial customers by providing information to assist in the selection and purchase of energy efficient products and services.  Visit to learn more about current program initiatives.

NRCan’s Office of Energy Efficiency once again is offering four 1-dayDollars to $ense workshops that will help you be more energy efficient and enhance your competitiveness:

  • Energy Master Plan
  • Spot the Energy Savings Opportunities
  • Energy Monitoring
  • Energy Efficiency Financing

For more information, visit theDollars to $ense website at




The Energy Solutions Center is a technology commercialization and market development organization representing energy utilities, municipal energy authorities, and equipment manufacturers and vendors. The mission of the Center is to accelerate the acceptance of and deployment of new energy-efficient, gas-fueled technologies.  Listed below are the members of the ESC’s Industrial Energy Efficiency Consortium.  To learn more about their programs, click on your utility company to find out what they can provide.


Energy Efficiency Consortium Members









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Focus on America

The implementation of sound energy efficiency programs lowers energy bills, helps control energy price volatility, reduces demands on our nation’s strained utility infrastructure, postpones the need for more power plants, reduces the reliance on energy imports, anddecreases our nation’s carbon foot print.  Many of our utilities, including DTE Energy, National Fuel Gas Distribution,and Southern California  Gas Company, have active programs that assist industrial customers with theimplementation of energy efficient measures.

On the government front, the US Department of Energy has been helping industrial customers identify energy savings through a comprehensive Save Energy Now program.  Current programs for the industrial sector are provided at

Announcement: U.S. industries join DOE to improve energy efficiency

Thirty-two U.S. companies have pledged to reduce the energy intensity of their industrial activities by 25 percent. They spotlighted the effort by joining DOE’s new Save Energy Now LEADER program.

For more information on the industries involved click here.


 For more information contact:
 The Energy Solutions Center, 400 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, DC 20001, 202-824-7150,

This site provides technology solutions forsaving energy in industrial processing companies in the U.S. and Canada … sponsored by a consortium of energy utilities

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