For Residential Customers
For many homeowners, just knowing how to begin considering a new appliance can be challenging. This website is designed to get you started on finding the right natural gas technology or system for your home.
What you need to know?
Find out what components and factors you’ll need to consider to receive the maximum comfort and efficiency for your home. As in life, most things work better when they work together. The same concept makes a natural gas technology the smarter choice for your home. As an example, heating and cooling account for about 56% of the energy use in a typical home, making it the largest energy expense for most homes. A wide variety of technologies are available for heating and cooling your home, and they achieve a wide range of efficiencies in converting their energy sources into useful heat or cool air for your home. Additionally, heating and cooling systems offer supporting equipment such as thermostats and ductwork, which provide opportunities for saving energy.
When looking for ways to save energy in your home, be sure to think about the complete home and how all appliances can work together to improve your homes energy efficiency. We hope you will find this website to be both informative and useful to you as you evaluate new appliances and energy strategies for your home.
New Carbon Calculator Tool AvailableCalculate your homes carbon footprint by using our Carbon Calculator to determine how many cars or acres of forest you can save by making the right equipment choices. If you want to do what’s right for the environment while enjoying the comforts of home, look to Natural Gas. Truth is, the reasons to choose Natural Gas have always gone way beyond performance. When compared to the average all-electric home, the average natural gas home emits 46 percent less carbon. With a renewed focus on the environment, it’s time to remember that Natural Gas is not only the best choice for your home, but for the planet that’s home to everyone. |
The Energy Solutions Center is a technology commercialization and market development organization representing energy utilities, municipal energy authorities, and equipment manufacturers and vendors.
For more information contact:
The Energy Solutions Center
400 North Capitol Street NW
Washington, DC 20001